

Anna Frances Crowley began studying the sacred symbol of the Tree of Life at the unusually young age of 11 years old. Her life has been a quest to understand, and explain, the entire process of creation. The quest has been a strange and often hazardous journey, pitted against seemingly overwhelming odds. This journey led, not only to understanding the hidden mathematical keys of creation within the sacred symbol of the Tree of Life, but also to discovering the true Holy Grail, what it is and where it has lain hidden for hundreds of years.

Anna Crowley has studied and taught traditional Kabbalah for over fifty years. She has been privileged to have worked as the directrice for Archaeological Associations in the Occitanie, Southern France for 20 years, having been given access to many obscure and little known Jewish and Templar ancient sites. Her knowledge of esoteric symbols and codes led her to decipher many misunderstood clues concealed in ancient buildings and works of art.