Love, Death & Bad Behaviour

Love, Death & Bad Behaviour

Jonathon Coudrille’s style is unique and he uses the full range of the English language introducing words the Bard himself may have had to seek out in a dictionary. The author uses our language in all its richness and colour to pull every emotional string. “I’m Hungry!”, cried Adam, is a parody of the biblical story of the Garden of Eden while The Damnation Files enable us to laugh at the professions most commonly the butt of jokes, from accountants and architects to journalists and lawyers. I had to wipe away a tear when I read “My mother loved my father”, as there was so much in there with which I could identify. Something, I guess, about parents who grew up twixt the Great Wars that we rarely see today.

Illustrated by the author himself, each image well worth the price of the whole book, and with introductory prefaces to the various sections, this is a book I shall treasure, along with Jonathon Coudrille’s other works.